RIPS holds two to three large events, including public symposia in Tokyo and Osaka, and occasionally in Okinawa. In 2016 and 2017 RIPS also held public symposia in Manila and Berlin. In February 2016 RIPS and De La Salle University organized a conference and a public symposium on the latter’s campus in Manila. Both the conference and the public symposium were about “Maritime Security Cooperation in the East and South China Sea” and attended by experts from Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, the United States, and Vietnam as well as Japan.
In March 2017 RIPS went to Berlin and held a roundtable with the German Institute for International Security Affairs (SWP) and a public symposium with the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation (KAS), in which experts from France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States discussed such subjects as China’s expansive role, North Korea’s growing threats, the Japan-U.S. Alliance, and Japanese-Chinese relations, and so on.
Annually RIPS holds the “Japan-South Korea Strategic Cooperation Dialogue” with the Center for Japanese Studies, the Korean National Diplomatic Academy. The meeting sites alternate between the two countries. The Dialogue treats how they should cope with such subjects as North Korea, China, the United States, and the bilateral relations.